Being respectful of the intellectual property and privacy of my clients and partners, I’ve chosen to avoid naming companies and sensitive details. If you’re familiar with the Grand Rapids area, you may have guesses for many of these. In the interest of displaying the breadth of my work, I present this list:

Firmware Development

Autonomous Lawnmower

My contributions were path-planning. multiprocessor communication, platform RTOS, custom file storage, boot loaders, embedded GUI, and much more.

Automotive Data Monitor

A tiny device which can be added to any vehicle’s CAN or serial network to log driver data for insurance purposes. My contributions were communication, the RTOS, and efficient storage.

End-Of-Line System Testing for Electronics Manufacturing

Distributed testing system for validating multiple simultaneous circuit boards. I developed the communication protocol, much of the sensor interfaces, the RTOS implementation, and the GUI.

Handheld Spectro-photometers

High-precision spectrophotometers for print, automotive, and paints. I was project lead, also developing the platform and the core measurement engine.

Industrial Spectro-photometers

High precision spectrophotometer for industrial plastics and coatings. I developed the core measurement engine as well as configuration management and motor control.

Intelligent Emergency Vehicle Light & Sound Controllers

Smart controllers for emergency vehicle lights and sirens. I ported legacy systems to modern platforms and rolled out automated system testing.

Control Panels for Home Appliances

Home appliances have complicated UI’s crammed into tiny inexpensive microcontrollers. I was the sole developer on this project.

Intelligent Mesh-Networked Protective Gear

Protective gear for emergencies in places where communication might be challenging. My role was primarily to create reliable communication stacks and configuration management.

Self-Purifying Water Bottle

Water bottle for avid hikers which purifies water with filters and UV light. Filter and purification are communicated via BLE to a phone app. I was the sole developer of this project.

Chemical Dispense Systems

Systems for dispensing appropriate levels of chemicals for factory cleaning systems. My role included architecture, database interaction, GUI development, communication, timing, and more.

Autonomous Lawnmower (Round II)

A second startup tackled the autonomous lawnmower problem, this time with differential GPS and LIDAR. My role was primarily path-planning, as well as supporting platform, positioning and targeting.

Smart Farm Sensor-Management System

Large-scale aquaponics farm monitors soil and water quality with a centralized system. I built the sensor data collector / collator.

Prototype Development

  • Bluetooth LE Beacons for Information Systems

  • Angle Sensor for Smart Furniture

  • High-Precision Personal Fitness Diagnostics

  • Virtual Reality Wearable

  • Augmented Reality Steering Controllers

  • Interactive Experience Sensors & Controllers

  • Visual Timer for Personal Hygiene

  • Bi-Product Recovery from Beverage Production

  • Wifi-enabled Coffee Auto-Order System

  • Monitor for Maple-Syrup Extraction

Open Source Development (& Project Management)

  • Unity — Unit Testing Framework for C

  • CMock — Mock / Stub Framework for C

  • Ceedling — Test-oriented build system for C development

  • CException — Simple exception framework for C

  • FantasticFS — Speed-Efficient Robust File Storage for NAND / NOR Flash